Espoma Organic Blood Meal (12-0-0) 3lbs


Espoma Organic Blood Meal, with a nutrient ratio of 12-0-0, is a popular fertilizer among gardeners for its high nitrogen content.

  1. High Nitrogen Content: With a nitrogen (N) content of 12%, blood meal is primarily valued for its nitrogen-rich composition. Nitrogen is essential for promoting lush, green growth in plants, particularly during the vegetative growth stage.

  2. Organic Source: Espoma Organic Blood Meal is derived from dried, powdered blood, typically sourced from slaughterhouses. It's a natural and organic fertilizer option for those seeking to avoid synthetic chemicals in their gardening practices.

  3. Slow-Release Nitrogen: Blood meal releases nitrogen gradually as it breaks down in the soil, providing a steady supply of nutrients to plants over time. This slow-release nature helps prevent the risk of nitrogen leaching, which can occur with fast-acting synthetic fertilizers.

  4. pH Neutral: Blood meal is usually pH neutral, which means it won't significantly alter the acidity or alkalinity of the soil when applied. This makes it suitable for use in a wide range of soil types and gardening situations.

  5. Promotes Green Foliage: The high nitrogen content of blood meal makes it particularly beneficial for promoting vigorous leafy growth in plants. It's often used as a nitrogen boost for leafy vegetables like lettuce, spinach, and kale, as well as for plants that require a lot of nitrogen during their growth phase.

  6. Application: Blood meal can be applied by mixing it into the soil before planting or as a side dressing around established plants. It's recommended to follow the application instructions on the product label to avoid over-fertilizing and causing nutrient imbalances.

  7. Animal Repellent: In addition to its role as a fertilizer, blood meal is sometimes used as a deterrent for certain pests, as its scent can deter animals like deer, rabbits, and squirrels from foraging in the garden.

Overall, Espoma Organic Blood Meal is a valuable organic fertilizer option for gardeners looking to boost nitrogen levels in their soil and promote healthy, vigorous plant growth.

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